Comitato di selezione del settore erc
PE4 — A
Relazione periodica relativa alla prima annualità del progetto
Il Comitato di Selezione del settore ERC
PE4 — A, presa
visione della relazione scientifica inserita dal PI sul sito del bando PRIN 2017 al termine della
prima annualità, relaziona sinteticamente come segue, ai sensi di quanto previsto all’art.
6, commi 9 e 10, del d.d. 3728 del 27 dicembre 2017, sul concreto sviluppo del progetto finanziato.
Principal Investigator
VIZZA, Francesco
Avanzamento e sviluppo del progetto
Con modeste differenze su tempistiche e attività senza modifiche a finalità e obiettivi scientifici
The project is well underway. The RUs report personnel recruitment in some form, that is in line with the project requirements. Concerning the scientific equipment, a top-end XRF analyzer has been purchased. RUs report project activities related to sample production and characterization, as well as modelling in line with searching best strategies to fabrication of new alkaline fuel cells.
Project out-reach & dissemination has been reported in the form of congress participation prior to Covid-19 lock-down and web conference attendance in the later period. There is an impressive record of scientific output in the form of paper publication.
Some activities of a few RUs that rely on the use of Large scale facilities have been impacted by the lock-down, but have resumed intensely in the period after. All the project milestones are expected to recover thanks to the extension of Prin2017 funding period.
There seems to be no scientific/technical risk to jeopardize the project goals.
Eventuali note e raccomandazioni
We encourage the project team to maintain the impressive publication rate in the forthcoming period characterized by the Covid-19 uncertainty. Focus on principal project lines that guarantee the achievement of minimal expected goals should be maintained, even in the case of major hiatus of the experimental laboratories. It is important that personnel recruitment is carried out as planned.
Il coordinatore per il CdS
Inviato il 28-09-2020
La presente relazione sarà pubblicata sul sito del bando PRIN 2017 e conservata dal CINECA
per un periodo non inferiore a 10 anni.