Comitato di selezione del settore erc PE4 — A
Relazione periodica relativa alla prima annualità del progetto 2017YER72K
Il Comitato di Selezione del settore ERC PE4 — A, presa visione della relazione scientifica inserita dal PI sul sito del bando PRIN 2017 al termine della prima annualità, relaziona sinteticamente come segue, ai sensi di quanto previsto all’art. 6, commi 9 e 10, del d.d. 3728 del 27 dicembre 2017, sul concreto sviluppo del progetto finanziato.
Principal Investigator
RICCI, Francesco
Avanzamento e sviluppo del progetto
Con modeste differenze su tempistiche e attività senza modifiche a finalità e obiettivi scientifici
The research activities of all research units have undergone a significant slowdown due to the COVID19 emergency. The project related experimental activity has been interrupted in practically all collaborating units. The research activities during lockdown period focussed on drafting papers and literature review. Consequently the scheduled dynamics of experimental results and deliverables has slowed down, yet the delays are expected to recover also thanks to the 6-month extension granted to PRIN 2017 projects. All research units report progress in identifying and testing materials and samples of interest. Due to retirement by part of the project staff (Bari) has been successfully replaced by recruitment of two new research members. Accquisition of small-medium size scientific equippment has been realized. The scientific output and dissemination of the project research (prior to Covid-19 period) has been very good as judged by the list of publications and conferences attended.
Eventuali note e raccomandazioni
Considering the uncertain COVID-19 situation also in the near future we reccommend to steer and monitor the project activities focussing the research interests and the investments along the principal project lines, that will guarante achieving the minimal expected goals, even in the case of major hiatus of the experimental facilities. For the part of dissemination and reachout of the project results we reccommend to strengthen the part of paper publication as expert mobility and conference participation is expcted to be very limited in the near future. It is essential that research personnel recruitment is carried out as planned.

Il coordinatore per il CdS

Inviato il 28-09-2020

La presente relazione sarà pubblicata sul sito del bando PRIN 2017 e conservata dal CINECA per un periodo non inferiore a 10 anni.